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Start a diet? Consider these important factors.

by Claudia Smet 13 Mar 2022 0 Comments

Start a diet ?

Een dieet heeft een persoonlijk plan nodig

Remember that time you started a diet and everything went well? You ate the right things, trained hard and saw results.

And then. you run into a wall.

Suddenly your progress came to a halt, and no matter what you tried, it seemed like you couldn't get through.

It's easy to blame yourself in those situations, but there are actually a few things to keep in mind before embarking on your next diet.

In this blog post we'll explore some of those important factors, so without further ado let's dive right in!

1. Create a deficit

You often hear it in your environment: someone goes on a diet, counts for 12 weeks, special dishes, weighing and little to no result.

What comes next is usually the comment, "Man, I've been on a diet for three months and only lost 10 lbs. Often this turns out to be just water!”

And when we talk about dieting, it's not just about how consistent you are, but about the underlying, fundamental principles of dieting for weight loss.

If you want to lose weight, the first and most important thing is to create a calorie deficit.

That is, consume fewer calories than your body needs to maintain your weight.

If you don't respect that, it doesn't matter if you do fasting, keto, low-carb or a protein diet - you won't lose weight.

2. Durability

For many, losing weight means 'looking better'. The body itself thinks otherwise.

For the body, weight loss equals hunger, so it will do everything it can to get back to normal.

You will feel lethargic. You will have no energy. You'll be hungry. You may even feel hungry all the time.

However, you need to find a sustainable way of dieting that minimizes all these factors and allows you to still have energy for all your activities and errands, while not thinking about food all the time.

To achieve this, you must first provide an average calorie deficit of 500 calories per day.

Note: If you follow the fasting diet, this daily calorie deficit will be higher, and you may need to take a multivitamin.

This ensures that you still get enough energy to provide your body with everything it needs to function healthily and to control the urge to eat.

The second is…

Eiwitten zorgen voor verzadiging

3. Proteins and fats

The persistent hunger and craving for food is something many of us experience, even if you don't diet.

But during your weight-loss regimen, these feelings become even more prominent, which means that one of the best ways to make a diet sustainable is to find a way to curb appetite and cravings. regulate.

In other words, your goal is to be as satiated as possible all the time, so that the body doesn't look for more food.

How can you do that? Well, by consuming enough high quality protein and fat!

Protein and fat are the two most satiating macronutrients we get from food.

Do you know the underdog in nutrition with the HIGHEST satiety index of all foods? Potatoes! (in its simplest preparation, of course)

So hey, next time you decide to lose weight, have a steak and potatoes for breakfast and see how long it keeps you full!

4. And what about the carbohydrates ?

Carbohydrates are often the main reason for weight gain. Often we start saving on this in a first phase of weight loss.

However, keep in mind that carbohydrates are the PERFECT source for exercise activity. As an athlete who wants to watch his weight, it is best to make a distinction in your planning between training and non-training days.

Not only that, carbohydrates are also the preferred source of energy for the brain.

5. Do resistance training

With the above in mind, one should also consider resistance training during weight loss.

Why? Because when we lose weight, we not only lose fat, but also muscle mass, which can ultimately lead to a skinny-fat rather than an aesthetically shaped physique.

So firstly, resistance training will allow you to maintain your muscle mass, and secondly, it will give you a big boost towards your ultimate weight loss goal - to look better.

Not to mention the benefits resistance training has for your mind and overall performance.

In summary

So there you have it - When you start dieting, make sure you have a sustainable calorie deficit that still provides you with all the energy you need each day!

Remember that as a certain diet plan feels like torture, it's time to change things up.

You MUST be able to stick to your plan and stick to it in the long run, because that will give you the best results!

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